The Solar System Wiki

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The Solar System Wiki


Eris spacepedia
Name of Dwarf Planet 136199 Eris
Number of Sattelites 1
Distance from Sun 96.6 AU
Diameter 2,375 km
Orbit 557 Earth years
Position in Solar System 5

136199 Eris is a dwarf planet in the Kuiper Belt. Eris was found in 2003 and given the temporary names "2003 UB313" and "Xena". It was later changed to Eris and it is the farthest known Dwarf Planet. He died at 5 o clock. du bist so blödklmqwnfäeko2jbefvpihgr3p

Tilted Orbit

Eris has an even more tilted orbit than those of Ceres, (10 degrees), Pluto (17 degrees) and Makemake (28 degrees). Its orbit is inclined at a whooping 44 degrees similar to that of Tyche (which also has 44 degree orbit) and is so tilted that it crosses the orbits of Makemake and Pluto.


It was named after the goddess of strife and discord, because of the debate it caused about weather or not Pluto should be considered a planet. Before it was formally named, it was nicknamed Xena.


Eris Cut

Eris has only one known moon called Dysnomia.

The Planets and Dwarf Planets
Dwarf Planets